HomeBengal Cat PicturesJune 4th is National Hug Your Cat Day

June 4th is National Hug Your Cat Day

[dropcap]J[/dropcap]une 4th is National Hug Your Cat Day and cat owners everywhere are encouraged to hug their cats. Even though most of us probably practice it year-round, National Hug Your Cat Day is just another excuse to show your cat extra affection. Cats are the perfect cuddle buddies and hugs release those good-feeling endorphins that help get a mood boost and chase away the blues!

And if you don’t have a cat, then simply adapt it into “Hug Someone Else’s Cat Day” or consider adopting one. So, if you are the proud owner of a purring kitty, today is the perfect occasion to reinforce your bond with affectionate hugs and to put a bit of warmth into your life. No matter what’s going on around you, you can always count on your furry friend to be there for you.

Hug Your Cat Day

Laurent Jaccard
Laurent Jaccard
As a Bengal cat owner of fifteen years, Laurent writes about his favorite cat breed to share his passion with other owners and enthusiasts. Laurent is a webmaster and graphic designer by profession, photographer and animal lover by heart.